Tag: Łukasz-pion

Picture of the Month – November 2016

[testimonial name=”Mr. Jim Tweedy” job_title=”Site Manager” company=”Seattle Tunneling Partners USA” size=”medium” type=”bubble”] “The E-Cranes are working great and our operators are very productive and efficient.” [/testimonial]

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Found on the Web: E-Crane to host “Demo Days” event in Belgium

Manufacturer of scrap cranes will celebrate 25 years in business and introduce new product line. E-Crane International, a manufacturer of cranes for the scrap recycling and bulk material handling industries, is hosting an E-Crane Demo Days event at its headquarters in Adegem, Belgium. The event late May 2015 will celebrate the company’s 25 years in business and serve to launch a new product line, the E-Handler line of material handlers. The Demo Days event is May 26-30, 2015, and recyclers are invited to attend and “to bring their plans and requirements,” says E-Crane. The company...

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Gevonden in lokale krant ‘De Meetjeslander’: Wereldprimeur voor E-Crane

Wereldprimeur voor E-Crane ADEGEM – E-Crane, het kraanconstructiebedrijf uit Adegem dat ook vestigingen heeft in Nederland, Polen, de Verenigde Staten, Singapore en Indonesië en wereldwijd een sterke reputatie heeft opgebouwd in klantgerichte oplossingen voor de recyclage- en bulkindustrie, organiseerde demodagen, waarop het een wereldprimeur kon voorstellen. Tijdens de demodagen was dé grote blikvanger de nieuwe, unieke E-Handler lijn. Geert Watteeuw en Lieven Bauwens bouwden in 25 jaar met creativiteit, durf en werkkracht een bedrijf uit dat zich één van de vaandeldragers...

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Found in The Magazine DCI: ‘More E-Cranes Handling Grain in South America’

For the past few years, more and more E-Cranes are popping up in South America to handle grain. A few months ago, we discussed a several E-Crane installations taking place in 2014 and 2015. All of these machines are successfully up and running, and a new E-Crane installation is set to take place in the Fall of 2015. The E-Crane is ideal for bulk handling applications that require heavy-duty production cycles and has proven to be a top solution for grain handling operations involving barge unloading, ship loading, and midstream transfer. CASE STUDY: CHS [table type=”simple”] Type1500...

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Speech Mr. Lieven Bauwens (Chairman of the board and CEO of the E-Crane group of companies)

Dear customers, agents, dealers, colleagues,Dear friends from all over the world, As chairman of the board and CEO of the E-Crane group of companies, it is an honor and a pleasure to welcome you all at this special Gala-event where we celebrate 25 years of E-Crane.  Also I’m happy and quit excited to present you our all new E-Handler. Dear friends, we all know that everything starts with customers! It is therefore really fantastic to see that customers have travelled half across the globe to celebrate with us. We have friends here tonight from Argentina, Russia, Finland, United States,...

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Found on the web: Balanced Dredging with E-Crane

One doesn’t usually think about cranes when talking about dredging, but cranes form a big part of the niche business. And, even though Indusign/E-Crane Worldwide has over 200 cranes in operation since Lieven Bauwens and Geert Watteeuw partnered up over 20 years ago, they are perhaps not that well known in dredging circles on this side of the pond. The Belgian company has tons (pun intended) of experience engineering their balance cranes. During that time, their equilibrium crane has more than proven itself in the scrap industry, as half of their machines operate in scrap yards throughout...

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Great cranes deserve the best grabs

E-Crane has worked together successfully with many grab suppliers worldwide. For almost two decades there has been a regular cooperation with the Dutch grab supplier “J&B Grabs”. The valuable input of our customers combined with E-Crane and J&B know-how results in best value ‘bulk grabbing solutions’. Congratulations and a warm ‘Happy birthday’ from E-Crane to J&B with their upcoming 70th anniversary !

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Picture of the Month – August 2014

[frame link=”https://www.e-crane.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/zon-watermerk.jpg” linking=”lightbox” lightbox_group=”picture” align=”center” type=”simple”][/frame] E-Crane @work: Reaching for the sky is what we do…”

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Picture of the Month – November 2013

[frame link=”https://www.e-crane.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Potm-November.jpg” linking=”lightbox” lightbox_group=”picture” align=”center” type=”simple”][/frame] November: Two brand new E-cranes working near Port Ludlow WA…..flawlessly!

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A Recipe for Success in the US Scrap Market

E-Crane Worldwide, the Belgian manufacturer of equilibrium cranes, has proven throughout the world that it offers turnkey scrap handling solutions for steel mills and scrap yards. This expertise and knowledge has recently been expanded to include the United States scrap market.  Within the past year, two additional cranes for the scrap industry in the United States were installed.  E-Crane International USA now supports more than 60 E-Cranes operating in the Americas.   [frame link=”https://www.e-crane.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Nucor5.jpg” linking=”lightbox”...

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Opbouw Blockbuster voorjaar 2011

VIDEO: bekijk hier de opbouw van de Blockbuster in de haven van Rotterdam (Klik hier voor een printvriendelijke versie) Voor het plaatsen van de 40 ton wegende betonblokken in de blokkendam, heeft aannemer PUMA een bijzondere kraan ontworpen: de Blockbuster. De kraan maakt het mogelijk om vanaf het land te werken, tijdens de aanleg was PUMA daardoor minder gevoelig voor slecht weer. De blokkendam maakt onderdeel uit van de harde zeewering. Het laatste blok is in januari 2012 in de blokkendam geplaatst. Bron: Maasvlakte 2 YouTube kanaal

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Come wind, rain, sleet, or snow no E-Crane shall go unerected!

Despite adverse weather conditions the E-Crane on-site erection and installation team successfully completed the mechanical assembly of the second E-Crane for Kinder Morgan by 16:00 hrs. According to Service Manager Steve Suter the installation is still perfectly on track and first test-runs are scheduled for the end of this week/early next week.

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Van nu af aan lost Schelde-Natie alle schepen, klein en groot

“Is de grootte van belang…” vraagt men zich vaak af! Indien we het Schelde-Natie project op het Cargill dok (dok 506) in de Antwerpse Haven als maatstaf nemen, is het antwoord zonder twijfel “neen”!. Inderdaad, welke grootte uw aak, boot of schip ook heeft, Schelde-Natie biedt u een efficiënte en onmiddellijke 4-sterren service voor het lossen van koolzaad i.o.v. Cargill. Vroeg in de morgen op 8 oktober arriveerde een Panamax-schip aan het dok. Het was de eerste keer dat een schip van deze grootte gelost zou worden met behulp van de net geïnstalleerde E-Crane®. Met enkel 32 meter reikwijdte...

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Nieuwe kraan vervangt graanzuiger bij Cargill

Nieuwe kraan vervangt graanzuiger bij Cargill Bij Cargill in de Antwerpse haven werd onlangs een zogenaamde evenwichtsgrijperkraan of E-Crane® in gebruik genomen. Deze kraan vervangt de oude graanzuigers. De keuze voor dit type kraan werd onder meer bepaald door de besparing die ze oplevert op het vlak van energie en onderhoud en omwille van het lage geluidsniveau. De behandeling van granen en zaden voor Cargill aan kaai 506 in de Antwerpse haven is reeds 30 jaar in handen van Schelde-Natie, een onderdeel van de Nederlandse Schutter-groep, dat gespecialiseerd is in behandeling en controle...

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All ships great and small Schelde-Natie unloads them all

October 8th, 2006: Schelde-Natie unloads first Panamax size vessel with new E-Crane®(*) “Does size matter…” is a question often asked ! When looking at the Schelde-Natie operations at the Cargill dock (dock 506) in the harbor of Antwerp the answer is without any doubt: no. Indeed, no matter the size of your barge, ship or vessel, Schelde-Natie provides an efficient and immediate 4-star service unloading rapeseed for Cargill. On October 8th a Panamax (**) vessel arrived early in the morning at the dock. It was the first time that a vessel of this size was going to be offloaded using the newly...

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E-Crane at Denolf Recycling just commissioned in the port of Bruges.

Brugge, Belgium (October 28th, 2005): When operations at a scrap yard reach a certain level of sophistication, acquiring a material handling machine that can handle high volumes and provide significant reach becomes a necessity. E-Crane Worldwide/Indusign is committed to provide scrap material handling solutions that are more efficient, faster and more secure than ever before. In addition to this, E-Crane® solutions are developed for quality and durability. Customers can be sure that our equipment will last and last. In January 2005 the decision was taken by the Belgium based Galloo Group...

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ECI-USA and IEC join forces in the marketing of their respective products

E-crane International USA announces agreement with Interstate Equipment Corporation. E-crane International USA was founded in 1999 as the American support center for the revolutionary E-crane and is headquartered in Bucyrus, Ohio. Most of the E-crane™ installations have been on the waterways to offload coal from barges for utility companies, cement for LaFarge and bauxite for the Aluminum processing Industry, to name a few. Interstate Equipment Corporation of Pittsburgh, PA has nearly a century of experience in Port and River Barge Handling Systems. These engineered products...

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November 26th 2003: IEC – New Sales Representative

November 26th 2003: IEC (Interstate Equipment Corporation in Pittsburgh, PA., New Sales Representative for ECI-USA will be present @ The International WorkBoat Show 2003 (December 3-5, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA)! Visit our Booth #1728 “ECI-USA is now working with a company called Interstate Equipment Corporation in Pittsburg, PA. They have 100 years of continuous operation specializing in providing turnkey solutions for barge handling and bulk material applications.” – Mark Osborne, P.E.,ECI-USA   (Click The IEC...

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Feedback from TDR, one of our customers

About OUR MISSON: By working to achieve total customer satisfaction and lowered delivered cost, we emphasize a true commitment to fulfilling your Marine Terminal Operator and Stevedore needs. OUR FOCUS: We will persevere in our mission, because we are dedicated to the success of our customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, and the community in which we operate. Our aim is to provide the lowest delivered cost while maintaining customer satisfaction. OUR CORE BUSINESS: In our core business of Marine Terminal Operations and Stevedoring, we strive to perform our task unlike any other. Our...

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Bucyrus Soccer Club off to a flying start

Another team in town is playing the “other” game of football. Quite well too. The Bucyrus Soccer Club has kicked off its season with three shutout wins and has outscored opponents 19-0. “This season and the last two or three seasons, they know what the game is all about,” coach Kevin Fourman said. The club was 9-5-1 in 2002. Fourman has been the team’s only head coach in its first nine years of existence.”We started in 1995. That first year we started off we basically only had Bucyrus kids,” Fourman said. “We figured we might as well open...

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Feedback from our Sales Manager Bas Tolhuizen, visiting the Holcim cement plant

Feedback from our Sales Manager Bas Tolhuizen, visiting the Holcim cement plant in Bangladesh / Feedback van onze Sales Manager Bas Tolhuizen, op bezoek bij Holcim in Bangladesh Mr. Kzan Ce Chung, ‘vice president technical’, was extremely pleased with the erection process and the professional support and can-do attitude from our erection supervisor Mr. Jean-Marie Verschoore. This E-Crane™ (a 700-series, type 4248PD-E) has now been working for more than 2800 hours. The average off-loading capacity is well above 200 tons per hour, including the clean-up in the ships...

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2000 Series E-Crane™ succesfully commisioned

Another 2000 Series E-Crane™, Model 18264PD-E, succesfully commisioned A new 2000 Series Equilibrium crane (E-Crane™), Model 18264PD-E was succesfully commisioned on Friday 2nd, 2002 in the presence of Lieven Bauwens, Director of Indusign/ECI Source : ECI/INDUSIGN

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Press Release : Publication in Dry Cargo International

FOR THE FASTEST,EASIEST, LOWEST COSTCRANE OPERATIONS…JUST ADD WATER The E-Crane™ is changing the basic concept of how ships are unloaded in ports around the world. It is an advance that has proven it moves bulk material faster, farther and at lower cost than any conventional crane type. The E-Crane incorporates a parallelogram system to keep the crane in near balance throughout its full working range. It makes gravity work to your advantage, reducing horsepower requirements and power consumption by up to 50%. It also lets you handle high-repetitive cycling of large...

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Have a look at another publication in Dry Cargo International August Issue

E-Crane supplies unloader to Houston Cargill newest E-Crane™ has improved fertilizer and grain unloading, at the Port of Houston, Texas. More recently, Cargill Fertilizer has purchased and installed a second new equilibrium crane, or E-Crane™. This new crane was installed in April 2001 at its Houston Ship Channel facility.It is designed for discharging fertilizer and grain from ocean going barges and bulk carriers up to Panamax size. Ricky Carlson, the Cargill Wholesale Fertilizer Manager said, “This second E-Crane purchase by Cargill is part of our ongoing commitment...

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Wayne B. Smith : Installation of the E-Crane

May 4th, 2001 : Wayne B. Smith Inc. : Installation of the 2000 Series Type 10264PD-E E-Crane™ A 550 Ton/Hour E-CRANE™. Installation began Thursday, May 4th, 2000 and was finished Wednesday, May 17th 2000.     Check out the Wayne B. Smith Website at http://www.waynebsmithinc.com/ to review the daily installation pictures

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E‑Crane Worldwide

Koekoeklaan 53
9991 Adegem

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T +32 9 378 04 44


Bureau of International Recycling
The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. (ISRI)