Building Ghent’s future with New Scrap E-Crane for Galloo Group
Ghent, Belgium: Three years after the installation of the first large E-Crane, Van Heyghen Recycling (part of the Galloo Group) has christened a second, identical E-Crane to load ships up to Panamax size.
In the past, scrap loading, unloading and stockpiling operations on the dock were carried out by contracted large rubber tired mobile harbor cranes. The first E-Crane has proven itself for several years and has passed numerous tests verifying reliability and hourly production rates with flying colors. It was time for Van Heyghen to move forward again. The first E-Crane has realized ship loading rates that were 100% higher when compared with the mobile harbor cranes.
With this multimillion dollar investment in a second dock side E-Crane, Van Heyghen Recycling offers their worldwide clientele better service and optimizes the use of their quay by substantially reducing vessel loading times. Galloo Group is now one of the most highly performing, state-of-the-art scrap terminals in Western Europe and will keep on investing to support the further economic growth and expansion in the port of Ghent.
The inauguration was celebrated with a festive evening dinner as well as a day reception for the staff and family of E-Crane and VHR. For images of the event, see the gallery.
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About Galloo Group
The Galloo Recycling Group is one of the leading recycling companies for the recycling of ferrous and non-ferrous metals in all of Western Europe. It’s many branches in Flanders, Wallonia and the North of France make for strong roots within this region.
An ecologic approach to recycling
The Galloo Recycling Group has coined an industrial converting process to recycle scrap consumer goods (cars, white and brown goods) and factory scrap in an ecological way. By converting waste products into secondary raw materials, they contribute to a cleaner environment.
A professional approach to recycling
The goal of the Galloo Group is 100% valorization. Up-to-date machinery helps to prove their professional and industrial approach while experienced engineers continue to develop new techniques that enable them to achieve their goals.
Scrap Recycling Process
Recycling scrap is primarily realized by three machines: the baler, the shear and the shredder. The first two machines only use pure material (i.e. new production waste, steel strips, heavy scrap iron). The shredder processes all other scrap (cars, household appliances and the like).
Visit the website of Galloo Group